Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Welcome 2009 !!!

The very new year akan tiba tidak lama lagi. Janganlah ikut kalendar mat salleh, it’s better to ikut our Hijriah kalendar, right? Usually, when new year comes round, there’ll be new azams that we make. A list of them. In details. From A-Z. That’s really good, you know? That’s mean we’ve aim something that we want to achieve through the year. From our azams, we make strategies to accomplish them.

And yet from our strategies, there’s schedule yang sangat-sangat packed and well arranged so that our times will be filled with something that can really benefits us (actually time that we can isi to achieve our dreams-lah). Still, dalam mengejar our azams and dreams that will never end tu, we always missed something in our life without knowing it. That’s a real true. Just think about it. Have you ever noticed before? Well, some people maybe yes and some are just sebaliknya. It depends. But, we can just plan and Allah will decides what the best for us.

So, dream big, plan big, work out more than usual, doa and tawakkal comes after all that. And itu tak semestinya we have to left our obligatory behind. Everything that we do mesti didahului dengan niat ikhlas kerana Allah Taala dan diiringi dengan doa. That’s the right way to do things. But sejauh mana kita buat seperti apa yang tertulis di atas? Tepuk dada, tanya iman. Sometimes kita leka dengan dunia sendiri, including me, myself. Honestly speaking-lah kan. But hey, human not all perfect! Orang yang bernama insan never be as perfect as their Creator because they’re just nobody.

By using this opportunity, i’d like to wish y’all “Happy Maal Hijrah 1430″. Hope your life will be blessed with rahmat and nur from Him (Allah).

Sunday, December 7, 2008

No Title

Here i want to talk about something that has nothing to do with this blog. But it is one of the post in this blog, of course. I just want to tell about myself here. I think the profile is too limited for me to write and all that. So, instead of posting about facts, sciences, etc i would like to share with all of you about myself too.

Being a daughter, a student, a part of society and a human who lives in this Earth is not an easy "task". Everybody does. It is just whether you did notice it or not. Everybody has their own problems and the way they overcome their problems differ. And that shows the variety of people. Some people just takes problems as part and parcel in their lives and makes them stronger but some other people thinks that problems just makes them weaker. As you can observe now that the world societies is struggling with the Global Economic Crisis. Well, as a part of this, i can feel the situation now even i'm not working, i still can imagine how 20,000 US citizens will be "banished" from work.

OK, i've added a bit about the global things but it is a part of our live. :)

I'm just a student who is still studying and still earning experiences. I found that when i try to learn something more deepens, i found that i'm still the beginner. I just feel like i was left behind when i try to study more. It is just like i know nothing much about what i learn and i want to know more and more. Sometimes i just thinking whether i learn too little or others learn more than me?

I have a wide circle of friends but i'm still searching the "true friend". I'm lucky to have friends that really understanding, can keep me motivate, can share problems with (but not all, just certain things,OK!) and shareable. They are just lovable for me. I had a true friend before but since we get into high school world, we were separated. :( I've been her friend from kindergarten until Standard 6. I bit disappointed when somebody tried to make us apart. And my true friend still contacts me even she's studying in a boarding a school. She's such a good and friendly girl. Memories between us will never fade.

I think that's all what i can say for now. I've no inkling on what to share anymore as i writing this on the middle of the night. :p

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Little Jokes

Grown-up Words

The kindergarten teacher told the little ones to use "grown-up words" instead of baby language. She then asked them to tell her what they did during the recent school holidays.

The first little one said he went to see his "nana". The teacher said, "No! You went to see your 'grandmother'. Use grown-up words.

The next little one said she went for a trip a "choo choo". The teacher again said, "No! You went on a train. That's the grown-up word.

Then the teacher asked the third little one what he had done during the recent school holidays. He proudly stated that he had read a book. The teacher asked what book he had read. He puffed up his chest and in a very adult way replied, "WINNIE-the-SH*T !"

Dumb Idiots

Little David farts in the classroom and his teacher gets really upset and throws him out. He goes and sits outside the class and can't stop laughing. The headmaster walks by and sees him sitting outside laughing. He says, "David what are you doing sitting here laughing?"

Little David says, "I farted in class and the teacher threw me out. The headmaster says, "Well then why you laughing?"

Little David says, " Cause the dumb idiots are sitting in the class smelling my fart and thet put me outside in this beautiful fresh air.