Tuesday, June 9, 2009

H1N1. Can You Relate This With What Had Been Written In Al-Quran?

What had been stated in the Quran is true. I'm so sure that many non-Muslim outside there always asking, "Why cannot Muslims eat pork?" This is the answer I picked from a book titled "What Every Christian Should Know About Islam" written by Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood, she was a Christian before.

"The short answer is because God forbade it-a prohibition that predated Islam by centuries, and was accepted by Jews long before the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, in the law given to Moses (Deuteronomy 14:8 and Leviticus 11:7-8). Incidentally, Jesus-being a Jew-also never ate pork, and he ordered his followers to keep all the Jewish laws (Mt 5:19). Yet shortly after his death, the ruling was changed, thanks to a dream experienced by Jesus' disciple, Peter (Acts 10:3-7).

Pork was declared haram (unlawful) to Muslims in Surahs 2:173 and 5:3. Apart from the religious prohibitition, pork seems as a meat to contain the greatest proportion of germs and parasites , most of which are contagious and some of which are fatal. The pork tapeworm (balantidium coli), the largest protozoan affecting humans, lodges in the intestine. Trichina roundworms (Trichinella Spiralis) are now very common in Europe and the USA, and are responsible for all sorts of ill-health. Pork products treated carelessly in hot weather are also some of the most common causes of food poisoning. People who do eat pork should always cook it very thoroughly. Because of the religious prohibitition, Muslims also check whether products containing animal fat or 'shortening' include pork lard. Gelatine made from the skin or bones of the pig is also avoided by Muslims. "

H1N1 isn't the only illness that 'comes' from pigs. There are many many of them.

I'm just an ordinary human who wants to exposed all of you with facts and not to condemn any party. Just think about it...


atie said...

salaam dearest mate :) hopefully that ur intervew bjln dgn lancar.
well,H1N1 dah disahkan bukan dari pig kan?I mean kalau tak silap la.hehehe anyway,what islam prohibit tak boleh makan tu sikit je...tapi tula,lumrah manusia.yang mengelilingi neraka itu adalah kebanyakan perkara yang manusia suka dan melalaikan...nauzdubillah

Smart Princess said...

Oh ye ke? But hari tu kita check kat Wikipedia. Kat mana kamu tahu dia bukan dari pig?

incik nobody said...

nice articel..

syafiqah said...

nice article...Everything that islam aks us not to do,please don't do coz there're many consequences...Remember,ISLAM IS THE BEST!!!