It's have been soo long since I post a blog here. Kinda busy these days. Sports, test, and etc. (This is whether i've no idea to write or i don't know what am I writing) :p
The very first thing I want to inform all of you is this :
Harap maklum
Berkata tentang Hollywood that run by Jews ni mengingatkan kita tentang American Idol, America's Next Top Model, Spielberg's movies, and banyaaak lagilah. Well, to be honest, me myself ada lah jugak 'donate' kan my times to watch those American shows.(But not all-lah tapi ada jugak kan?) Hehe... :-p Currently, last Friday my school held a Ceramah Maulidurrasul. Ustaz jemputan tu, Ustaz Husaini said that Jews lalaikan kita dengan 3 F (I think more than 3).
1 Fun
2 Fashion
3 Food
And FUN is divided into SPORTS and ARTIST.
I am a BIG fan of sports. Football, tenis, F1, you name it. Before, my Ustaz Mustafa had said that "Orang Yahudi ni letak je sebijik bola atas padang tu, dah boleh buat orang ramai lalai". I admit it (jampi serapah apa ntah orang Yahudi ni pakai). I was too into sports since FIFA 2006 held in Germany. Sports has its own kebaikan dan keburukannya yang tersendiri.
Kebaikan :
1 You'll get more knowledge (General knowledge)
2 You'll get to know other countries well especially which team you're supporting or country
yang popular with that sport (Like me, GERMANY !!! Das Alles Ist Deutschland)
3 You'll get more info about basic sports
4 Boleh jadikan sebagai isi essay, bahas, debat, syarahan, pidato and etc (bukan ke bahas
dengan debat itu istilah yang sama? Tak apa. Bior post ni nampak panjang sikit :p)
5 You can make the athletes or football celebrities as your example. Like Datuk Nicol Ann David
ke, you know athlete or celebrity yang not just excellent in sports but in other bidang jugak
6 When you know about sports, you can also get to know about politics as well
7 Not just politics, but economy as well *Siapa boleh explain ni? or perkara sukan yang ada
kena-mengena disebabkan ekonomi
Keburukan :
1 You'll get addicted with sports till...
2 You'll be fanatics enough to sports
3 You'll get influenced a bit (it depends to your tahap keimanan)
4 You'll get to know that this one is just the dakyah YAHUDI -the saddest thing-
Got them? That's just FUN. Now let's have a glance to FASHION pulak. Just turn your head around and perhati dengan fashion sekeliling anda. Well, the women fashion now ada a bit improvement dari segi Islamic nya. BUTT, hehe... cuba pulak perhati fashion teens kita. They're just get influenced with the Western style. Ketat, sendat. p/s Teringat cikgu tuition cakap di saat beliau mengingatkan kami untuk menulis rumusan @ karangan. "Pastikan rumusan yang anda karang ringkas, tepat, padat, ketat dan sendat". We tuition-mates really ingat this phrase. selingan Beliau juga mengejutkan/perkenalkan kami dengan "George Bullshitbush" iaitu gelaran kepada Uncle Bush tu la. Jom sambung cerita.They want to have branded outfits like Guess!, Nike, Converse, Adidas, MNG, and etc. Kalau nak pakai branded outfits boleh, asalkan pandai-pandailah cari yang sopan dan mengikut syarak, isn't that good?
(Most branded outfits bercirikan K&S (ketat dan sendat) , tapi kalau pandai memadankannya dengan hand cover ke, apa ke, just use your imagination to make your fashion be a bit descent not too sendat).
Instead of FUN and FASHION, FOOD plays an important roles for the Jews. And Ustaz Husaini ada menyambung that population of Jews in America is just about 15% but they're more berkuasa and obvious there. They letakkan sedikit pengaruh mereka pada kita through FOOD.
Who've never eat KFC, McDonalds, Starbucks, and etc? At least mesti ada take-away makan kat rumah or picnic with family at KFC or end year class feast (It reminds me of jamuan kelas during standard 4 Cikgu Ellyza).
Honestly speaking, I just can't let go my passion at sports right now. (I love sports but not active in sports). I just support sports but not into sports but i love to play tennis but i've never play one. Hehe...its kinda weird.
In conclusion, once you've been addicted to sport, you'll keep addicting to it. But, bagus jugak dari satu segi and sebaliknya. Dakyah Yahudi tiada penghujungnya. Wait, before I end my post here, I want to add some information yang di ceritakan oleh Ustaz Husaini. China was a country yang sangat-sangat, you know kaya pada masa dahulu. In other word, self-sufficient until orang West susah sangat nak 'masuk' China. What did they do is, they 'introduce' candu. When Chinese dah mula 'lalok' dengan candu, then the West boleh masuk China. So, the same goes to the pengaruh Yahudi onto us.
Just control ourselves so that they can't control us.
salaaam dearest friend..oh yeah..mungkinkah my love phantom adalah Yahudi jugak? *nooooo!!!please dont* anyway,whatever it is,tak kira lah yahudi ke apa2 la,semua ada musuhnya.Hai..tah la.Disebalik debu2 itu tentu tersirat permata.Anyway,have a nice holiday
*while me remembering the jamuan darjah 6..bbq one..ooohh how sweet!*
Yeah !!! The memorabilia still stick in our mind. 6 Usaha forever and ever !!! *in a high pitch* Hehe...
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