The very new year akan tiba tidak lama lagi. Janganlah ikut kalendar mat salleh, it’s better to ikut our Hijriah kalendar, right? Usually, when new year comes round, there’ll be new azams that we make. A list of them. In details. From A-Z. That’s really good, you know? That’s mean we’ve aim something that we want to achieve through the year. From our azams, we make strategies to accomplish them.
And yet from our strategies, there’s schedule yang sangat-sangat packed and well arranged so that our times will be filled with something that can really benefits us (actually time that we can isi to achieve our dreams-lah). Still, dalam mengejar our azams and dreams that will never end tu, we always missed something in our life without knowing it. That’s a real true. Just think about it. Have you ever noticed before? Well, some people maybe yes and some are just sebaliknya. It depends. But, we can just plan and Allah will decides what the best for us.
So, dream big, plan big, work out more than usual, doa and tawakkal comes after all that. And itu tak semestinya we have to left our obligatory behind. Everything that we do mesti didahului dengan niat ikhlas kerana Allah Taala dan diiringi dengan doa. That’s the right way to do things. But sejauh mana kita buat seperti apa yang tertulis di atas? Tepuk dada, tanya iman. Sometimes kita leka dengan dunia sendiri, including me, myself. Honestly speaking-lah kan. But hey, human not all perfect! Orang yang bernama insan never be as perfect as their Creator because they’re just nobody.
By using this opportunity, i’d like to wish y’all “Happy Maal Hijrah 1430″. Hope your life will be blessed with rahmat and nur from Him (Allah).