Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Comeback!

4 years after AFS Selection Camp. 3 years after a journey to the USA. 2 years after matriculation life. A year after placing myself in USMKK.

Truth be told, along these 4 years of life, I've learned so much from the university of life. When people ask me which part of my life that give the biggest turning point of what I am today, I would say and highlight the story of these 4 years. I stepped on things which I never thought I would've stepped, maybe I've imagined some of them before I go to sleep, but just a thought that it might be just an angan-angan. Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah for giving me the opportunity of life that is not as klise as other. Alhamdulillah.

Being in a prestigious boarding school have always been my dream since I was in primary school. By getting only 4A's 1B, so there I was. Attended only a 'kampung' high school nearby my last primary school. Sad. Disappointed. Broken into pieces. But my attitude back then was just being redha, I didn't get straight A's for UPSR after all. I deserved it- not being placed in any boarding school. It was painful deep inside to see 3/4 out of 26 of my friends who got 5A's were placed in SBP, MRSM or SMKA and left me hanging alone in a typical 'kampung' high school. I had this kinda mindset which those students who are schooling in boarding school are smartass and respected back then. I used to had this inferior feeling when I met anyone of them. "Ye la, ko sekolah SBP, aku ni sekolah kampung je"-type of feeling.

So I started my high school years at Sekolah Taib, a school next to the famous-amos SMK Aminuddin Baki, Chemor. Before I stepped into the school, there were many rumor I heard about Sekolah Taib- small school with bad kids, worst discipline, not many of high-achievers that were produced, 'keras', many dogs played around school compound at night lah, the teachers not that good lah. Those statement made me feel more painful in a way but the excitement of being a high school student swept away all those rumors.

There I was, being lucky since there are some of my primary school friends who were also there with me in the same class taking KAA which includes Arabic & Hafazan. They have been more that just supporting me throughout the high school years. They were sahabat and not just friends. We focused & struggled for our next coming PMR as my last chance of getting into a boarding school. But this time I was more focused, planning of getting into an SBP which offer Sains Agama instead since Sekolah Taib didn't offer Arabic for SPM takers. Only Allah knows how much I want to continue studying Arabic, the language of Jannah. This could be achieved by hoping that I would pass PMR with flying colors and get chosen by any SMKA available.

Alhamdulillah, Allah answered my prayers. 7 of us achieved 9A's for our PMR. 3 of my batchmates including me applied for Sains Agama while the rest applied for SBP, SBPI and some prefer to stay. Out of 3, there was only 1 who got accepted to Sains Agama in KISAS. And yeah, it's a he. While the other friends who applied for Science Stream also got accepted to SSP and IGop respectively. Me and the other friend would just husnudzon, maybe there's a cloud in a silver lining. There are hikmah resides behind what happened. We can just plan, Allah decides for the best.

But still, I was asking questions, questions after questions. If I can't make it through SBP which offer Sains Agama, why can't I be placed in other school which have Bahasa Arab. Or why not just go to any other Sekolah Madrasah? (Received tons of offer letters from Sekolah Madrasah) If SMKA can't take me, why can't I just go to some other school which allows me to study Sains Agama? This time I can accept the fact that I can't get to any other school to study Bahasa Arab. Ok, it's fine.

And here's another thing. Even though I couldn't make it to any other Sains Agama's school, but still I want to be exposed to a new fresh place with positive vibes in which the study condition is conducive enough and I could explore my potential to the max! I found Sekolah Taib is only a teaching place with no aura, the students always being yelled at in the morning during assembly for nasty gang fight, a dull place with students who don't even bring books to school! Well, not all students who have that kind of attitude but many of them presents in my school. All-in-all, the teachers are doing just perfectly great! They did their job really well. It just the attitude of the students which I so sicked about.

Worse enough, I was one of the prefect who had the responsibility to control the discipline of the students around! Enough with all of rumor being thrown to that school and finally I was like "That's it! I'm switching school no matter what!" So I asked my mom that I wanted to go to Main Convent in Ipoh which is known to be all-girls school, with smartypants kids, fluent English speaker students, rich brat, drama et al, and so forth. My mom asked whether the school offers any Islamic studies subjects (she doesn't know much about school around Ipoh). Haha...of course not! After all, I just want to be in another environment which I 'think' would be cool to study and socialize (dah lari dari niat there!). She claimed that that school is too far and transportation would be a problem (But public bus pass by the school everyday even on weekend mom!) plus there is no Bahasa Arab offered. Duh! I got a NO from my mom.

There I was, Form 4 in SMK Dato' Haji Mohd Taib taking Science Stream. No KAA. No continuation of my Bahasa Arab and Hafazan after that. Period. Heart-breaking feeling.

To be continued.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

So Long...

The very last time I updated my blog was 31st Dec 2009 and today is 11th May 2011. Do the math. It has been almost a year and half since I wrote anything here.It's not that I don't want to update something, it's just either I forgot to visit my own blog (yeah, sounds kinda lame but that's true) or I don't have much to share. Well, I might have a lot to share but the moments is just not perfect for me to update it (seems like I have a lot of alasan, huh?) I don't know where to start. It feels awkward to start blogging again. I should've delete this page while ago if I want to, but it turned out I didn't. There might be some reasons that I don't know of but I'll do my best to write something up.

Well, one of the reasons that made me kinda lazy to write things up is that I think no one would read it anyway. And (my teacher said never put conjunction at the front of the sentence) I think it just me alone babbling and sharing things that people don't want to know about. Sort of like an open diary. Sometimes I think people (not all but some) create a blog, decorate it nicely, and start writing what they have been through on a particular day, for like everyday, just like they do on their diary. And publish it. To get attention and feel good in a way. I'm not saying that its wrong, it just that I might not do it like what they do.

See, I don't think people are reading my blog, so its kinda a waste of time. Maybe I just put it in a simple way. Photo blogging. A photo can describes a thousand words.

I don't think people read this post, but if you do, yes YOU! please leave a comment showing you care :-)

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year 2010 and The American Dream...

Hey hey hey !!! It's been soooooooooooo looooooooooog since my last post here! SPM, school sort of things made me to stay away from my blog (but not FB !) so i hadn't much time to write down the latest hit about what happens around and etc ( tak banyak idea to write as an additional point :-p).

It's about 30 minutes before the very new year of 2010 come to our life by the time I write this post. 2009 gonna say goodbye and I'm so sure that 2009 had brings us to a memorable moments especially for those who just graduating from high school. I'd miss my beloved school, SMK Dato' Haji Mohd Taib, Chemor (I'm sure those of you who read this part will shake your head signing that you don't know where the hell Chemor is !!!), eventho at first, my friends and me myself didn't like that school much since it is in the suburbs and Ipohans tak tahu where my school is located even SMK Aminuddin Baki, Chemor is just next door!!! We even share the fence! How crazy is that! They know SMKABC really well but they don't know where's ma school! Whatever it is, years after years we have to accept that there's something special about this school that hasn't been treasured yet... It's no matter where you are but it is the matter of WHO you are !!! And I do hope that SMK DHMTC will do really well in Kinta District in the upcoming years and I'm sure y'll can!!! Yeah!!! FYI, my school won a mural competition sponsored by PLUS and Nippon Paint this year and my school was the NATIONAL CHAMPION 2009 !!! *woot* Not bad huh! Plus, one of our student had been elected as the best student in Malaysia for STPM 2004 if y'll can still remember ! ;-p

This mural painting successfully grabbed the 50,000 bucks prize!!!

There's about 13 days left before departing to the USA !!! Yup, I'll fly to the Seal Rock, Oregon, USA for an exchange program under AFS-YES for 6 months. And right now all my feelings mixed up: Oh man, can't be described by words! Yeah!!! Seal Rock, Oregon is my next destination and hell yeah I want to explore the journey of a life time and gonna enjoy and feeling it every single second !!! C'mmon guys, give this petite small tiny cutie lady some spirit to embark a new journey !!!

Seal Rock, Oregon here I come !!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

H1N1. Can You Relate This With What Had Been Written In Al-Quran?

What had been stated in the Quran is true. I'm so sure that many non-Muslim outside there always asking, "Why cannot Muslims eat pork?" This is the answer I picked from a book titled "What Every Christian Should Know About Islam" written by Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood, she was a Christian before.

"The short answer is because God forbade it-a prohibition that predated Islam by centuries, and was accepted by Jews long before the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, in the law given to Moses (Deuteronomy 14:8 and Leviticus 11:7-8). Incidentally, Jesus-being a Jew-also never ate pork, and he ordered his followers to keep all the Jewish laws (Mt 5:19). Yet shortly after his death, the ruling was changed, thanks to a dream experienced by Jesus' disciple, Peter (Acts 10:3-7).

Pork was declared haram (unlawful) to Muslims in Surahs 2:173 and 5:3. Apart from the religious prohibitition, pork seems as a meat to contain the greatest proportion of germs and parasites , most of which are contagious and some of which are fatal. The pork tapeworm (balantidium coli), the largest protozoan affecting humans, lodges in the intestine. Trichina roundworms (Trichinella Spiralis) are now very common in Europe and the USA, and are responsible for all sorts of ill-health. Pork products treated carelessly in hot weather are also some of the most common causes of food poisoning. People who do eat pork should always cook it very thoroughly. Because of the religious prohibitition, Muslims also check whether products containing animal fat or 'shortening' include pork lard. Gelatine made from the skin or bones of the pig is also avoided by Muslims. "

H1N1 isn't the only illness that 'comes' from pigs. There are many many of them.

I'm just an ordinary human who wants to exposed all of you with facts and not to condemn any party. Just think about it...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

So Many Things To Say

It's have been soo long since I post a blog here. Kinda busy these days. Sports, test, and etc. (This is whether i've no idea to write or i don't know what am I writing) :p

The very first thing I want to inform all of you is this :

Harap maklum

Berkata tentang Hollywood that run by Jews ni mengingatkan kita tentang American Idol, America's Next Top Model, Spielberg's movies, and banyaaak lagilah. Well, to be honest, me myself ada lah jugak 'donate' kan my times to watch those American shows.(But not all-lah tapi ada jugak kan?) Hehe... :-p Currently, last Friday my school held a Ceramah Maulidurrasul. Ustaz jemputan tu, Ustaz Husaini said that Jews lalaikan kita dengan 3 F (I think more than 3).

1 Fun

2 Fashion

3 Food

And FUN is divided into SPORTS and ARTIST.

I am a BIG fan of sports. Football, tenis, F1, you name it. Before, my Ustaz Mustafa had said that "Orang Yahudi ni letak je sebijik bola atas padang tu, dah boleh buat orang ramai lalai". I admit it (jampi serapah apa ntah orang Yahudi ni pakai). I was too into sports since FIFA 2006 held in Germany. Sports has its own kebaikan dan keburukannya yang tersendiri.

Kebaikan :

1 You'll get more knowledge (General knowledge)
2 You'll get to know other countries well especially which team you're supporting or country
yang popular with that sport (Like me, GERMANY !!! Das Alles Ist Deutschland)
3 You'll get more info about basic sports
4 Boleh jadikan sebagai isi essay, bahas, debat, syarahan, pidato and etc (bukan ke bahas
dengan debat itu istilah yang sama? Tak apa. Bior post ni nampak panjang sikit :p)
5 You can make the athletes or football celebrities as your example. Like Datuk Nicol Ann David
ke, you know athlete or celebrity yang not just excellent in sports but in other bidang jugak
6 When you know about sports, you can also get to know about politics as well
7 Not just politics, but economy as well *Siapa boleh explain ni? or perkara sukan yang ada
kena-mengena disebabkan ekonomi

Keburukan :

1 You'll get addicted with sports till...
2 You'll be fanatics enough to sports
3 You'll get influenced a bit (it depends to your tahap keimanan)
4 You'll get to know that this one is just the dakyah YAHUDI -the saddest thing-

Got them? That's just FUN. Now let's have a glance to FASHION pulak. Just turn your head around and perhati dengan fashion sekeliling anda. Well, the women fashion now ada a bit improvement dari segi Islamic nya. BUTT, hehe... cuba pulak perhati fashion teens kita. They're just get influenced with the Western style. Ketat, sendat. p/s Teringat cikgu tuition cakap di saat beliau mengingatkan kami untuk menulis rumusan @ karangan. "Pastikan rumusan yang anda karang ringkas, tepat, padat, ketat dan sendat". We tuition-mates really ingat this phrase. selingan Beliau juga mengejutkan/perkenalkan kami dengan "George Bullshitbush" iaitu gelaran kepada Uncle Bush tu la. Jom sambung cerita.They want to have branded outfits like Guess!, Nike, Converse, Adidas, MNG, and etc. Kalau nak pakai branded outfits boleh, asalkan pandai-pandailah cari yang sopan dan mengikut syarak, isn't that good?
(Most branded outfits bercirikan K&S (ketat dan sendat) , tapi kalau pandai memadankannya dengan hand cover ke, apa ke, just use your imagination to make your fashion be a bit descent not too sendat).

Instead of FUN and FASHION, FOOD plays an important roles for the Jews. And Ustaz Husaini ada menyambung that population of Jews in America is just about 15% but they're more berkuasa and obvious there. They letakkan sedikit pengaruh mereka pada kita through FOOD.
Who've never eat KFC, McDonalds, Starbucks, and etc? At least mesti ada take-away makan kat rumah or picnic with family at KFC or end year class feast (It reminds me of jamuan kelas during standard 4 Cikgu Ellyza).

Honestly speaking, I just can't let go my passion at sports right now. (I love sports but not active in sports). I just support sports but not into sports but i love to play tennis but i've never play one. Hehe...its kinda weird.

In conclusion, once you've been addicted to sport, you'll keep addicting to it. But, bagus jugak dari satu segi and sebaliknya. Dakyah Yahudi tiada penghujungnya. Wait, before I end my post here, I want to add some information yang di ceritakan oleh Ustaz Husaini. China was a country yang sangat-sangat, you know kaya pada masa dahulu. In other word, self-sufficient until orang West susah sangat nak 'masuk' China. What did they do is, they 'introduce' candu. When Chinese dah mula 'lalok' dengan candu, then the West boleh masuk China. So, the same goes to the pengaruh Yahudi onto us.

Just control ourselves so that they can't control us.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dear Gaza

I'm using this opportunity to post a little story of something that is fussing around us. Of course, about the attacks to our brothers and sisters in Gaza.

I just read Che Det's blog. There's an Israelis man wrote a comment of Dr. M's blog titled "Boycott" where Dr.M wants us to boycott all USA's and Israel's goods. This man used "Hanan" as his nama samaran. He gave macam-macam komen to Dr.M but of course Dr. Mahathir balas balik bidasan yang telah diberikan oleh that Israelis man.

Since Jews are controlling everyone by proxy, I’m not sure you, Dr. Mahathir are not controlled by them as well. You’ll say that you are not controlled, but I can assure you that I’m controlling you. Can you deny it? Even Malaysia is manipulated by Jews, that’s why they are not attacking the US and Israel. You should check very well among your government ministers and officials and find the Trojan horses there. -by Hanan Israelis-

13. I have asked an American what he would do if Texas was given to the Jews to create the state of Israel. He did not answer. But I believe he would fight to get back Texas, employing all the weapons at its disposal.

14. Yet had the United States been willing to create the nation of Israel in the lands under U.S. control or in the U.S. itself, there would be no terrorism in Palestine or in the Middle East. There would be no terrorism in America either because Israel would be wiped out by the U.S. forces. The world would remain peaceful.

15. The brutality committed by your forces in Gaza is out of all proportion to the puny rocket attacks by Hamas. That attack was the result of Israel and the U.S. failing to accept the results of a properly conducted election. -by Dr.M-

And not to be forgotten is an American guy named Rob. I can't tell y'll more because you can read yourself. Sorry for that. I do salute on the answers that Dr. M had given. Really make sense. I wish we had another person like him(Muslim) to protect and lead our Islam.

This is another piece of opinion from an Australian Andrew.

I absolutely agree with CVCO's comments in "Open letter to Obama"-all well said. Makes me very angry when there is deafening silence from the Muslim world, Malaysia included when Israelis are killed by Hamas bombs.

Hmm...what do y'll think of this? Here I want all of you to look at what Adolf Hitler had said.

" I could have annihilated all the Jews in the world, but I left some so that you world would know why I did that"
- Adolf Hitler-

I got something untuk tatapan kita sejenak.

Seorang anak yang melihat kematian ibunya akibat kekejaman Israel laknatullah.

Such a scary scene.

Tumpahnya darah seorang mukmin.

Mangsa keganasan.

Have you see all the pictures? Apa yang dipaparkan ini hanyalah sekelumit daripada apa yang berlaku di Gaza,Palestin. Renung-renungkanlah. Think about this deeply. Bak kata Che Det, kita tak mungkin dapat boycott all USA's and Israel's goods (tetapi disarankan oleh beliau). Setakat KFC, McDonalds, and etc bolehlah TETAPI how about our Windows yang kita gunakan ni?

Monday, January 26, 2009

First Post For The Very New Year of 2009

It has been a very long time i didn't update my blog. No idea what to write here. Actually i got the idea but maybe the time didn't let me to do so.

Not much to say, but i want all of you to think. THINK !!!

As we know, the very new president of the States is now here to change the world. I hope he will. CHANGES. Yeah, the world want some changes. What can we do now is just look and see of what Obama will do to change everything that Bush left for him. I think that Bush just intend to left him with such a burden. Plus with the economy crisis that America faces. It's really a big responsibilities to carry out by Obama.

To all Muslims in Gaza, Palestin, keep your faith of Allah. We're here to help you. Stay strong.